Thursday 24 February 2011

JDownloader for Linux

Hi everyone. Remembering the Process Analysis we made for class. I have the Idea to write one here at the blog, and this is special for people who likes to download a lot of files like videos, music, books and things like that from the service of Rapidshare or Megaupload. I´m talking of JDownloader now avaiable for Ubuntu or Linux.

JDownloader is a Free software for Downloads, writed in JAVA, that allows you to automatically download divided files from websites like Rapidshare, Megaupload or You tube. The links of de file especified by the user are separated in packages for it individual download. Also your .RAR files are automatically extracted after downloading(this finction is optional).

So now if you are interested to get this software for Linux you only have to do these easy steps:

- You have to write this command on your Terminal. You can find the Terminal in: Aplicaciones/Accesorios/Terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install jdownloader

-After that you only have to write your passsword and let it work. You will have it instaled on aplicaciones/internet/jdownloader.

And that´s all. JDownloader is a great software and you will able to download files in a easy and fast way. There is also a version Avaible for WINDOWS if you want it just go to: and you´ll find it.

If you have problems with the software you can ask me, writing a comment on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Emma! Very clear instructions for Windows users. :D
    Just remember, the plural of "this" is "these" - "these instructions"
