Sunday 27 February 2011

Cholo, Frida Kahlo’s Fan

As I was saying Cholo was a very especial dog, and developed some artistic knowledge and taste concerning Mexican painters like Tamayo, Juan Alcázar or our neighbors in the Barrio de la Conchita in Coyoacán, Rina Lazo and Arturo García Bustos, but his very favorite painter was Frida Kahlo.
Very often we would walk from La Conchita to El Carmen where the Casa Azul, former Frida Kahlo’s and Diego Rivera’s home, on London Street. He would wait for me very patiently outside the Museum, once I got out he would listen with much interest everything about Frida and needed very few seconds to look at the painter’s works, whether in books or postcards, he liked them so much very often he would try to lick them up, but soon enough learned not to do it.
Noticing how hard it was for him to learn and appreciate the arts as a treat I would take him to the Jardin Frida Kahlo, on the corner of Pacífico and Fernandez Leal, back in our Barrio de la Conhita.

Cholo was, indeed, an artist.

Thursday 24 February 2011

JDownloader for Linux

Hi everyone. Remembering the Process Analysis we made for class. I have the Idea to write one here at the blog, and this is special for people who likes to download a lot of files like videos, music, books and things like that from the service of Rapidshare or Megaupload. I´m talking of JDownloader now avaiable for Ubuntu or Linux.

JDownloader is a Free software for Downloads, writed in JAVA, that allows you to automatically download divided files from websites like Rapidshare, Megaupload or You tube. The links of de file especified by the user are separated in packages for it individual download. Also your .RAR files are automatically extracted after downloading(this finction is optional).

So now if you are interested to get this software for Linux you only have to do these easy steps:

- You have to write this command on your Terminal. You can find the Terminal in: Aplicaciones/Accesorios/Terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install jdownloader

-After that you only have to write your passsword and let it work. You will have it instaled on aplicaciones/internet/jdownloader.

And that´s all. JDownloader is a great software and you will able to download files in a easy and fast way. There is also a version Avaible for WINDOWS if you want it just go to: and you´ll find it.

If you have problems with the software you can ask me, writing a comment on the blog.


When Miss Shelley -our English teacher- told us to write about our pets I remembered my Cholo and experienced -again- all the emotions that he made us feel from the first day we adopted him as a member of our family, not just any member but the loveliest, littlest one, not in body size for we had Marissa already, a Siamese cat, who very soon adopted the role of an older sister and cornered him around to show him who was boss.
It was both nice and odd watching Cholo and Marissa playing or sleeping together, although this wasn’t such good thing for Cholo, for he never understood the old saying “fighting like dogs and cats” and went through life trying to make friends with cats, which got him some nasty scratches and scars over the years, Cholo was a lover, not a fighter.
I guess he considered all cats to be Marissa’s relatives or friends for he got so happy whenever he saw one, he wanted to go and play with it. Just like many exceptional beings Cholo was a pacifist, very much ahead of his time!

Here is a portrait of Cholo and Marissa , painted by famous avant garde artist Héctor Falcón.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Relaxed sunday

Hi guys:
Did you watch the anything wedding parties? I did and it is very fun, also like very much the expression “ten cents short of a dollar” , and wondered how much money per session the public throws to this musicians; it also amazes me how “ten cents short of a dollar” is so alike to our own expression “… missing a screw” , both meaning somebody is not so well up there… Anyway, let me tell you that I am having a nice, relaxed Sunday because I got the approval on my last report to CIEES, concerning the degree on the Special Education program at one Normal school we went to visit and evaluated in Torreón, Coahuila. Special Education means that the Normal is preparing teachers for children with special needs like language problems, deafness, blindness, asperger, autism and so on.
Let’s talk about a process. The CIEES (Comités interinstitucionales para la Educ Superior) evaluation process starts when the institution wants to be evaluated in order to get a diagnostics on a.) the quality of its educational programs (degrees) and b) the public funds to improve them.
Once we get the self evaluation document from the Normal or University, a multidisciplinary team travels to visit the school, once there, we interview in 90 minutes sessions each, the educational program’s (degree) participants: students, teachers, coordinator (s), school authorities, graduates and employers. We ask specific questions to all of them, concerning the institutional frame, (Does the school have an internal organization? Its estructure? Future changes? Are its laws and regulations understandable and known by the school ‘s community? Do they know and understand the program’ s mission and vision: what to do and how to do it?)
This process goes on and on, asking students, teachers, coordinator (s), school authorities, graduates and employers about what they know and think that would help to improve the educational program, this may include increasing the quantity or quality of teachers, management personnel and even the school’s services, such as library, cafeteria, transportation, scholarship programs and so on.
For this purpose we visit classrooms, laboratories, offices, library, recreational areas, bathrooms, we check such things as IT labs and how many computers do they have, the computer programs they use, if the school has a web page, facilities for persons with special needs, security features and drills, and, and, and. … Our report has 62 “indicadores” under 10 very specifics aspects of an educational institution. When finished, the report´s length is something between 28 to 36 pages, including the recommendations, specific things that have to be done and how to them to improve that specific educational program (degree).
Once I have come back from Coahuila or Nuevo León or Yucatán or Zacatecas and start writing my report, I can’t help but thinking that I might be “ten cents short of a dollar” doing this job, but the feeling of doing something (even if it is so little) to improve Mexico’s educational system its really great!

Thursday 17 February 2011

Ticket in Tatts

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed today's class. Here's the video of the song we listened to today. It's not the most amazing quality but it shows the people throwing coins at the band. Weddings Parties Anything disbanded a number of years ago, but have come together again at different times. They really were very good live ...

I wasn't able to upload the video to the blog, but this link should take you to the video.

Remember: your homework is to take the "Main topic" of "University" and come up with a more limited topic (it could be anything from the state of the cafeterias, or the benefits of the Bicipuma service, to the importance of public universities in Mexico) and your point of view about the topic you chose. Create a "thesis statement" by putting the two parts together.

See you tomorrow! :D

Tuesday 15 February 2011

What do you think about St. Valentine´s day?

I invite you to read the next page,especially  if you don't know the history of St. Valentine´s Day... and tell us what do you think!
Have a good day!

Alene Grace

Monday 14 February 2011

Hi everyone: how was your week end ? Mine was fun because monday morning I stayed in bed until 9 , reading A friend of Kafka, by Isaac Bashevis Singer, a jewish author that writes on life most amazing experiences, both great and horrible, also misterious. I have read most of his work, mostly big fat novels that are very interesting, a real portrait on how first and second world wars affected and changed central Europe, their societies and minorities. Singer won the Nobel Price, not just because most of his work was written in Yiddish but because of the depth, contadictory caracters of his short stories and novels, the stories twists, sometimes very dramatic, often humoristic. There is magic in the way Singer reinterprets ancient myths in contemporary history. His literature has a scent of spiritualism that has to do a lot with human nature in a not religious way. Perhaps some of you have seen a movie called "Enemies, a love story", well, this title says it all. If you ever find his works read them, you will enjoy and suffer them intensely. See you all tomorrow, maysa

Friday 11 February 2011

Thursday 10 February 2011



A little bit different from the description. Giving instructions in Spanish is hard, and it's harder when the instructions have to be given in English. Great activity!!!

Free Rice!

Hi everyone,

I was sent this website and I recommend that you look at it and try it out whenever you can. It has English vocabulary questions and also grammar questions, and for each correct answer, you are donating 10 grains of rice through the United Nations World Food Programme. The questions begin fairly easy, and get harder as you go through them. 10 grains of rice doesn't seem like a lot, but I played for about 2 minutes and got to 400!! And it's good practice for remembering things you should know in English. :)

See you soon


Hi, everyone my name is Emma, I´m 18 years old and I´m studing Physics at the Faculty of Sciences but I want to change my carreer for Engineering.
One of my hobbies is Volleyball. (I love volleyball ^-^) and I also play it.
I think this course is going to be great so we must take advantage of it.
hi boys and girls , my name is vanessa, I´m so happy to take this course with all of you . I hope to learn many things about writting english, to learn english is a hobbie for mi it is not an aobligation , i have many expectations and i hope that we could acquire new knowledge. i wish to learn much of each one and this one is an agreeable and of mutual support. A lot of luck !!!!

Tuesday 8 February 2011



From little things ...

Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoyed today's class. As I mentioned, Paul Kelly is Australia's Bob Dylan - singer, songwriter, storyteller and amazing musician. He's not well known abroad but is a well-loved national icon in Australia.

Here he is singing at the Make Poverty History concert with Kevin Carmody (an Aboriginal singer he wrote the song with), and John Butler. I like this particular clip because you can see the great joy in Paul's face as he sings.

Have a great Wednesday! See you on Thursday - with your potential job opportunities! : )

Monday 7 February 2011

Young at heart

Hi, this is Maysa: want to say hellow to everyone, tell you that i like very much our teacher and our group and love very much the English language, it reminds me of my youth days in Pasadena, California. Nowadays both my parents are gone (im so old, that is only natural). My mom was born in Chihuahua but was taken by her family to California at age 2, my father was born in New Mexico.He used to tell me that in NM they call "manitos" the mexican descendent persons. I know I look different than you do, young and fresh , and thats only natural, but regardless my old age my mind is eager to learn more and more things and my heart wants to stay young -but mature- . im studying the 4th semester of Communication Sciences, at FCPyS. Although I worked since i was very young in journalism and editing jobs right now I need my degree for aplying to better positions. The famous and very necesary papelito. I congratulate all of you for getting it while you are young. You get all sorts of opportunities at a very enjoyable age. Maysa
Ps what a lovely song Ivette posted on the blog, fly me to the moon, sung by Frank Sinatra. Its oldie but pretty.

Friday 4 February 2011

My appologies

Hi everyone!! I'm so sorry.... I couldn't make it on time to class or to the blog due personal problems.... but better late tha ever right?!

My name is Alejandra, I'm 19 years old and I'm studying Management at FCA in UNAM. I love languages since ever, i speak a medium level of french and right now I'm also studying korean at CELE. I love everything about culture, specially greek and asian. I'm not too good at sports, but i practice swimming and volleyball.

I hope we can have a great semester together at CELE!!! see you on Tuesday. ^^

Hi everyone!

Hi my name is José Antonio and I´m Studying Management her in the UNAM
I´m in 4th semester and I´m going to calss right now

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry I came a little late to introduce myself, but I had to do a presentation last night.

My name is Roberto, I'm studying Mechatronic Engineering at UNAM and I just started my second semester. I'm 19 years old and I come from Veracruz.

This is all for now, I'll see everyone in class later (:

Hi guys!

Hi guys, I want to share one passion I have: Motorcycles. I have a bike by the way, I learn to ride on it so I choose a cheap and small bike, I don’t want to destroy a good Motorcycle on my learning process. Unfortunately my baby is sick right now (ha ha), it is spilling fuel so I need to carry it to a mechanic in order to get it fixed or I could try to fix it my self, I believe that’s a part of my two wheels romance.

Here’s a picture of my girl, see you!.

First of all, let me introduce myself

My name is Salvador and I'm twenty-eight, four months and two days exactly. I'm studying Classics, that is the study of Greek and Roman civilizations. Have you guys ever read Homer's Odyssey? Well, this epic poem it's written in ancient Greek and, in order to fully understand it in its original language, there is a lot of things you have got to know like history, art, linguistics, philology, and, the most important of all, greek.
(To be continued)

This Is Me !

I everyone ! My name is Oscar, I'm from Jalisco, Mexico, I'm 21 years old and I'm studying accountany at FCA UNAM, I'm taking this course because I think I'm gifted with writing skills, I'm pretty good at writing but I haven't done it very much so I think from now on I'm going to be writing more often so I can write everything I've been thinking to write, specially poetry and novels. Apart of studyind accountancy and english I study french and I swim, I love music, movies, art, theatre and since last semester I love reading ass well, I should be thankful with my Dad because he reads a lot and Barbara Byer for giving an excellent reading course at Cele. I want to share with you one of my very first poems in english hoping you to enjoy it, I have many others in spanish wich I think are better and more complex but this is an english blog ;)

Hi eneryone

I'm Leticia. This is my first post, good experience. See you at CELE.

hi everyone!

hello! i´m Flor and i´m happy to be here, this is my first post and i hope we can share and learn a lot of things..

well i´m 18 and i´m studying economics, i want to speak very well english because a like it very much so if i make mistakes please help me! haha :)

see you in class! bye!

Hi classmates

My name is Agustin and I just want to salute you and I hope to see you later in writing class.


Hi, I know I'm late. Excuse me. I don´t spend too much time at Internet (0ne or two hours dialy), so I had no time until today. Well, my name is Jesús Dávila. I was born in Toluca 25 years ago. I came to Mexico City in order to study a Master Degree in Latinoamerican Literature. I've finished the first semester. It has been a wonderful experience: I've met interesting people and my knowledge has been increased.

My likes are those: books, chocolate, ice cream, rock (The Doors, The Clash, The Beatles, The Waterboys, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, The Strokes...), soccer (I am a Toluca's supporter), classical music (Tchaikovski, Brahms, Mendehlsson), milk, cold days and Jorge Luis Borges (my favorite writer).

I don't like: dancing (because I'm absolutely bad at it), watching TV (unless if there are a soccer match) and shopping (I get scared when I go to a supermarket: every body wants you to buy what they offer!).

Thank you.

Good afternoon :D

I think all your contributions are amazing, especially those ones with a song or a video attached, is a pretty way to know each other.

I'm Mireya, I'm studying chemical engineering in CU. I have 21 years old, I'm from Puebla but I have 3 years living here in the city and I agree with Julio, the city is awesome!

I like our class, you know that at the beginning everyone is shy, but as time goes by I'm sure nobody could shout us hahaha...

Hoping for you to have a good morning and afternoon I say goodbye, i'll see you at 5.30

PS. Being honest I'm rusty in this of speaking and writing in English, has been a lot of time since I don't practice consciously, so I'll appreciate if you want to share all your knowledge telling me if I made a mistake writing this :D

Thursday 3 February 2011

Hello everyone!

Hi I'm Julio, i was just about to go to sleep and then i remember we had to write something here, so here i am, well I'm 18 years old, I study computer engineering at the Facultad de ingenieria in CU and i really love it, y also love english that's the reason why i entered this course and because i need the certificate to finish my career jeje.

I like reading, specially novels, and i looove rock music (The Strokes, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, etc.) and i really like to eat all kind of food, i think i'm a sociable person so i like to meet new people and i hope to get to know all the group.

I'm from Toluca and i have 8 months living in Mexico City, i really like the city because it's very big and there a lot of places you can visit to eat or make funny stuff or just to hang around, although it has been a little difficult to adapt i have had good times here and i've found good persons so i'm very happy to be here.

Well i guess that's all for now i'll se you tomorrow.


I'm Pablo and I'm very happy of being in this classroom.

I can't sleep so I will try to share a little bit about me with you, hoping we'll have the opportunity to know better each other in the classroom.

I'm 21 years old. I have just started my sixth semester at my Faculty. I am studying Law at Law Faculty. I am studying English because is a very important language but also because I love it. Nowadays I'm also studying hebrew language at CELE.

Hebrew language is so weird as it is amazing. Two days ago Daniela was talking about the relation between language and culture, I have realized that using another language involve changing even your mind and your perspective of the world. 

 I believe that every single day is a good opportunity to be a better person. I don't consider myself as a good person, I just try to do the best I can. I am so grateful to the University for giving me so many oportunities to become someone better.

I was born here in Mexico City and lived here since then. My favorite place in this city is Coyoacán. I am still living with my family (my two parents and my little brother). Now we are a little bit stressed because we are just about to buy our own house. 

Thanks for reading, good night.

PD. I want to share two videos, please watch them and tell me your opinion.

Hi there

Hi. I am Omar and study Economics at Facultad de Economia. I love my major because it is really fascinating to know how our society is estructured.
I like many things, especially music and funny things. I have been practicing capoeira for 6 months and I am enjoying it a lot. I would like to be proficient in english and would like to learn many languages and so on... I am learning french and I am really thinking about learning arabic. Well, what else? I love literature but I am not a scholar in the field. I love reading good writers, because it is delicious to learn how to describe feelings, spaces and people from many points of view. I like many things. from salsa to gimnastics, from Janis Joplin to Maná, hahaha. I like the class and think this is going to be a good semester.


I have just noticed that the metro´s music is attacking my head. I couldn´t stand without listening to this song, which was played by a seller today, while writing my comment. well, at least is a good song...

Hi everyone

Hello, I like the idea of writing in a blog. This is an excellent tool for communication. I hope we will share a lot of info and about ourselves and things we like.

My name is Alfonso and I'm studying Architecture in UNAM, I like Urbanism also, but now I am focused on my thesis. I want to learn to write well in English because I think it's important to communicate a lot of things and also it's useful if we want to get a job or study in another country.

I like sitcoms and movies, science fiction and dramas are my favorite genres. There are a lot of kinds of music I like, but one of my favorite bands is The Killers. I like playing basketball, swimming, climbing, running and exercising. I would like to learn how to dance, I´m really bad in dancing.

Well, see you in class!!
Hi, everyone.
Well, I'm Daniela. I study Linguistics and Literature -and love it-. I also like learning about different cultures and languages. I really love music, especially jazz. Here you have one of my favorite songs, I hope you enjoy it.

Greetings everyone

This is going to be short, because there is somebody waiting for me in my bedroom. PAUL AUSTER HIMSELF... well not really, but another one of his great novels"man in the darK" I will tell you more about it as I continue to read it. I ve read most of his works and loved them. Highly reccommended. See you all next class, Maysa

Hello everybody.

I wish all of you have a good night... and a nice day tomorrow (and always, of course).