Monday 16 May 2011

The relationship between wages and output in Mexico (1970-2007)

The output has a positive relationship with invesment, and this has two indirected relationship with wages; one positive and other negative:

Positive: Increment wages makes workers can buy more things, so companies are want to increment his product though more investment.

Negative: Increment wages makes reduce the companies profits, so they are going to reduce their output and their investment.

So, we want to know, which relationship has had the output which wages or if it has been a mix.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Research Paper

My research topic is: "The role of auditing in detecting corporate fraud."

Friday 13 May 2011

What is best in Management?

My research topic is Which one of the schools in management is the best to apply nowadays inside a company?? What is better, the traditional way or the modern day??

Sorry for being late...
confirmed topic of research paper and the outline of paper
it was difficult to choose a topic about economics because there are a lot of them. And i was not sure if i want to write about Mexico or a different country or maybe to do a research about both nations. Finally i chose a topic that i think is so important for the Mexican people and it is easy to find information, besides the topic not necessary has to include unfamiliar vocabulary because the people know what is happening today about the topic that i am going to develop, so i am sure that the readers are going to enjoy this research paper.
The importance of the productivity of the commercial sector in Mexico and its implication in the informal sector and the employment .
this is my topic but i am thinking to improve it, it depends of the context in the research.
however i have an idea about the structure of my research because in my studies i always have to develop many research at the end of each semester about different topics.
the abstract is going to describe the actual situation of Mexico about the formal employment and the consequences in the Mexican economy and the caracteristics of the commercial sector in Mexico.
the introduction is going to describe the mains and justification of the topic: what is the impact that i want to cause in the readers?
Into the theoretical background i want to describe the precedents and evolution of the informal sector. My references will be some statistics.
About point number four i want to write about the problematizacion and hypothesis of the topic and resolve some questions for example: what are the factors that prevent to increase the formal employment and that the people prefer to be an independent worker?
which are the consequences of the evacion of taxes on the control of public finance?
is the government doing something to change this problem? if it is true, what is the politics and what are the decisions that it is taking? and if it is not correct, what should it do to resolve it?
Finally i want to divide the research design in some subtitles, develop my conclusion with possible solutions and in the appendices i am going to use some tables and graphs to explain better my topic.

My research paper

Finally I choose my topic I´m going to talk about the consequences of outsourcing in Mexico, because these new strategies implemented in the Mexican firms modify the traditional forms of recruitment.

Thursday 12 May 2011

Australian writers

I will write my Research paper about Australian writers because I am very interested on the multicultural societies that exist in that part of the world. It was only after I met Miss Shelley that I realized that I have never read a book from an Australian author, shame on me for I considered myself a big fan of English language literature.

Friday 6 May 2011

My Research Paper

I was planning to make my research paper about a topic of physics. I was thinking to write about Nuclear Energy, the benefits, disadvantages and its current and future uses that could have.
We know that probably we will have to change our sources of energy because of pollution on the world. Nuclear Energy is well-known for its amazing and powerful capacity of energy that can be produce with it and also because nowadays this energy cannot be totally controled. The world can take advantage of this great source of energy but it also has its consequences that we should consider.

But I am not completely sure that if I want to do my research of this topic because I´ve been thinking in some other good topics like, endangered species (which was a topic I choose for my contrast essay), The fast advance of tecnology and its importance in society, aids, or maybe something related with envoronment. I´m not completely sure of it there are too many topics to research about and all seem very interesting to me.

Research Paper

I'm going to research something about marketing, I still don'y have a specific topic but I think It will be abuot the Four P's of Marketing which are product, price, promotion and place (Marketing Mix)

Research Paper

Well, my resaerch topic will be the same I used to do my thesis work.
I don´t have the exact title now, but the work talks about how we used two natural extracts against parasites that affect sheep.

It is kind of interesting but some things are kind of boring, so I will try to improve it so everybody can read it and specially understand it.

Applications of programming focused in solving mathematical problems

I decided to do my research topic about programming, but it will be focused in its application to solve mathematical problems.

Programming can be a helpful tool for a lot of activities; it makes the work easier by automatically perfoming a task that can be repeated under several circunstances. For the engineers and mathematicians. An example of its help to solving mathematical problems may be the need to solve problems using matrixes, thing when done in a program takes extremely less time that doing it on paper only with a pencil and a simple calculator.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Parody: derision, respect and fear to ridicule and laugh

Hi, I’m going to research some characteristics related to the concept of parody. Basically, there are two points of view: some theorists suggest that parody is always derisive and mocking; on the other hand, others say that parody (especially modern parodies) can show a respectful attitude towards the text is parodied. In my opinion, parody can be irreverent as well as deferent. Nevertheless, I think that because of a common fear to ridicule and laugh, theorists, critics and readers have undermined the importance of parody, although, in fact, many of the best texts are parodies (Don Quijote, Madame Bovary or Tristam Shandy). So it is usually considered as a minor genre.

Small coffee producers vs TNC

There was a decade when the coffee production in Ixhuatlán del Café and generally in all the coffee regions in Mexico grew up positively, probably thanks to the creation of INMECAFE (Mexican Coffee Institute); this institution supported producers by giving them machinery, tools and especially technical advice. At the end of the 90’s and the earlier 2000’s, this Institute disappeared, and Transnational Companies such as AMSA monopolized the means of production; this fact is generally considered the cause of the decreasing of incomes for small producers.

My research paper will be focused in the confirmation of this hypothesis; it will come to a developing strategy, which will help to solve part of the problem with a final result: an architectural project.

Unemployment in Mexico

The topic that i´m going to work in is the unemployment in México because i think it is a problem which affects us and is becoming more troubling nowadays, specially this problem affects young people more than other segments of the population, even professionals have one of the highest unemployment rate so in think it would be very interesting to research about this problem, analyze and describe the reasons of the unemployment and current statistics.
Golden Ratio

My theme for the research paper is about the golden ratio, also known as the golden number, which is when you have two quantities and the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantitie is equal to the ratio of the larger quantitie to the smaller one.

Ja I know this sounds a little complicated but trust me is really simple and "magical"; this proportion has an specific number which is 1.61803... aproximatelly; this numer has always been interesting for mathmaticians because it has some amazing properties that any other number has; it is also interesting because we can find it on a lot of places: nature, famous paintings, our body, geometric figures, music, finance, etc.

Research Paper

Hi everyone,
I'm not sure but I think, Iwill talk about Acurate Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis which is related to smoking.

Who is helping to guard immigrants from kidnapping and murder?

The topic I’ve selected is related to Immigrant´s Human Rights.

The human migration phenomenon has a number of causes and is as old as the aspiration of humans to improve their life conditions. This research is focused to argue the strong necessity of create an international organization dedicated to preserve, survey and defend the human rights of the immigrants in Latin America, especially those who are in a social disadvantage that puts them in vulnerability or endangers their very life.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

SWOT Analysis: the annual check-up for a business

Hi everyone, here there is my topic of my research paper: SWOT Analysis

This kind of analysis is useful for managers in order to know whether the business goes for the right way or does not.

SWOT means strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and thereats for the business.

As individuals, we recognize the importance of scheduling an appointment for an annual medical check-up to protect our health. Similarly, successful business owners and managers undestand the importance of scheduling an annual SWOT analysis to ensuere optimum business health.