Monday 14 March 2011

A tale they won't believe

Hello everyone! I thought I would post this video of the song you heard on Friday. Again, it's sung live (I think this will be the last live video I'll post, or else you'll think that's all I watch), by Weddings, Parties, Anything. It is played even faster than the studio version, and it really shows the lead singer telling the story and the way the fans love the song. Still kind of gruesome, though! I don't know why, but Blogger won't let me post the actual video, so here's the link to the Youtube page ...

If you found any "strange but true" stories on that you'd like to share here, or would like to tell a story of your own (some of you had some good ones!!), feel free to do so!

OK OK, seeing as how you are forcing me, I'll tell you one of mine. : ) I've eaten some interesting things over time; let me tell you some. I've eaten frogs legs and snails in my primary school, grasshoppers in Oaxaca, hamburgers made with dog meat in Belize, ants in Mexico City, and roasted bush turkey, barbecued kangaroo and kangaroo tail soup in Australia! I think the funniest thing though was when my husband and I first arrived in Mexico City and we went with our friend Ricardo to eat tacos at his favourite taco stand. We asked Ricardo what type of tacos they had there, and he replied (in English - we didn't know much Spanish at the time), "Well, there's tripas, and ..." We said "Tripas? What sort of meat is that?" So he pointed around his stomach area and said "Hmm, tripas, they are, umm ..." - he didn't know how to say it in English. I helped him out: "Ribs? Are they ribs?" Our friend replied, "Ribs ... Tribs? Tripas? Yes, tribs, tacos de tribs, tripas, that's it!" So we ordered a lot of tacos de "ribs", which, when they arrived, didn't look (or taste) anything like ribs!!! :D

Thursday 10 March 2011

Coyoacán, cultural heart of México

Hi guys: In our last class our teacher Shelley told us to work in groups according to our county or Delegación, I think we all did a pretty good job because regardless its size and problems we all love Mexico City and our hometowns.
As you probably noticed we, the coyotes team, needed more time and space to describe wonderful Coyoacán for it has so many museums, churches, parks, bookshops, little cozy cafes, galleries and so on that it is also called México’s cultural heart … nonetheless it has many many troubles too, one of them is to keep in good shape its historic treasures, like La Conchita Chapel, located in the Barrio with the same name.
Because of this and other problems some neighbors got together and organize -many years ago- citizen’s groups to protect our Barrios, its historic plazas, parks and churches. La Conchita Chapel is really old (XVI Century) and urgently needs a great maintenance job. As you can imagine this sort of work requires not only lots of money but the coordinated actions of several government offices. We neighbors don’t know what part is the more difficult for our authorities: the money part or the coordination part; we suspect the second one.
At any cost we the asociaciones will keep on working towards this purpose because it means a lot for our generation and the ones to come, we owed it to them.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Top Gear and Mexico ... Your opinion

Your next writing task is to post your own opinion about the comments made by the three hosts of the popular car show Top Gear in a recent episode on the BBC.

Your post should be at least 5 lines long; express a clear opinion with regard to the subject; use at least 3 opinion expressions (for example: quite frankly, in my opinion); give at least two facts which support your opinion; and contain less than 6 mistakes of grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary.

Your opinion paragraph must be posted as a comment to this post before 23:59, Monday 14th March. You'll have time to work on it a little next week during class. Don't post your comment until you are completely ready. You'll need to sign in ("acceder") in order to publish your comment on this post.